We have been told this lie over and over. I believe that writing does not only involve the act of writing. In fact, that is just a small part of this great work that we do.
Writing includes the thinking process, the staring-into-space moments, interaction with people who will somehow find their way into the piece you are working on, the search for a publisher, market research, raising money for the writing project, and so on and so forth.
Every writer, therefore, must go out there and involve herself in the different activities and events that shape the landscape of this industry. Her voice must be heard and she must take part in change creation. She needs to be aware of relevant developments in her world so her writing can continue to be powerful.
I, and at least one other writer friend, therefore wonder why majority of local writers are usually disinterested about actually working to protect their various rights, in questioning biased laws, in participating in forums that tackle their welfare and other issues that affect them directly.
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Here is an article that came out on Rappler recently. This event, among many others, should have attracted more writers. Unfortunately, they had better things to do. So there.
Do Pinoys wear the old coat and buy the new book?
I am a slow reader. I savor the words, let phrases linger longer in the mouth. But I read several books at a time. Sometimes, five or six. Sometimes, more. I cannot read before going to bed because it makes me sleepy, even if the book’s a thriller. The best reading time for me would be in the early morning, during waiting time, or while on travel.
These are some of my reading habits and behavior. And if you’re a smart book writer or publisher, you will find a way to get your hands on facts that pertain to your market’s reading attitudes and practices. If publishers and writers knew, for instance, that there is more demand for books written in local dialects, then they can (and they should) produce more books that will cater to this need.
Read the entire story here: http://www.rappler.com/life-and-style/15176-do-pinoys-wear-the-old-coat-and-buy-the-new-book

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