Friday, October 26, 2012

It was belly, belly good!

Going to the AFP Theater in a cab is not a good idea. Especially at night. You need to walk to EDSA or Boni before you can get a ride going home. And you run the risk of getting a scolding from the military guys up there if you accidentally use the wrong gate or cross the street where you should not. I hate places like that. I guess too much order is not for me.

Anyway. I was there for the BellyFest because I covered the event for GMA News Online. Story is here:

I also went because my friend Jofti was a recitalist. And because Irene used to do some belly dancing and we thought it would be nice to watch a live belly dancing show. And because I was looking forward to the food, which was a disappointment since they only had apple fries (is that even Middle Eastern?) and nachos. But the show was good naman, although the receptionists had no PR skills whatsoever: no press kit, etc.

Here's a recap of that night, in pictures.

BellyFest organizer, Jill Ngo Crisologo, seen here with Korean belly dancer Jinhee Kim.

In one of the afternoon workshops. The audience and recitalists joined the pocket classes.

Jinhee Kim teaching the audience some tricks.

There was a mini bazaar.

Impromptu performance

Jill's Goddesses of Bellydance

Bismark Naling's Hip-hop group

Jinhee during the evening show.

More of Jinhee in action

I liked this performance

The Goddesses during the evening show.


Even the kids were amazing.

This is one of my favorite numbers: Jill belly dancing to live drumming by Frances Escape

Finally, four pictures of the stripteasers

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